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An application to the principal of your college for the need of a canteen within the college premises.

The Principal,
Government College,

Most respectfully it is stated that our college is situated on a very busy road. There is always a non-stop flow of heavy traffic on the road. During the free hours, students want to buy something to eat. Even for buying a single toffee, students have to cross the road. I am afraid that this thing will give birth to a serious issue or accident in future.

You know, Sir! man is not like a machine. He needs some break during a continuous process of mental or physical labour. A single cup of tea or. like thing may refresh him for further labour. After it, he will perform more better.

Therefore, it is humbly requested that you should kindly issue orders for re-opening the college canteen. With this, you will not only save student's time and money but also their lives. We hope that you will give due· consideration to this issue.

                                                            Yours Sincerely,
(80 Signatures).
The residents of Gharib Abad,
Dated: 18-03-2017                                 Peshawar.
An application to the principal of your college for the need of a canteen within the college premises

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